An espresso with…
Julien Brunetaud
Image Credits: Julien Brunetaud-Jazz Cat Club © Luca Vantusso
March 04, 2018
We have interviewed Julien Brunetaud at Jazz Cat Club in Ascona for the presentation of his record Playground.
> Luca Vantusso and Iug Mirti
How did you choose the tracks for Playground?
I have chosen according to my feelings and by inspiring to what I was influenced by, therefore Professor Longhair, Dr. John and yet by adding some compositions that had this mood.
How do you work to your compositions?
A melody comes to my mind, with some ideas, some words, some phrases… then I add a harmony I choose by playing and playing again, some very simple arrangement ideas as instrumentation, according to style.
And how do you choose the musicians who work with you?
Of course for their musical qualities, for their groove, their ability to simply play blues by remaining open minded, for their capability of loving jazz and New Orleans funk for example and, last but not least, for their human qualities.
Do you have some kind of advice for young musicians wishing to become professionals?
To be appreciated by playing again and again, and to travel with your instrument by listening and absorbing as much music you love as possible, as it is by feeding on what is around you that you can create beautiful things.
Music and internet: is it a gift or a curse?
It’s a gift, because you can post your music and your clip in two clicks, but also a curse because you can access to all music with no charge, but I’d say: “Why not?”, because at the end… this isn’t definitely bugging me a lot.
Do you have a dream you wish to come true?
I would like to be surrounded by a good crew, composed by manager/tour manager/distributor, so that I could play my compositions in very good conditions.
Which are your next projects?
To make my dream come true! A finely released new album, signed with the name “Julliver”, which will be by new composition project.
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An espresso with… Julien Brunetaud – copyright Jazzespresso 2018.
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An espresso with… Julien Brunetaud – copyright Jazzespresso 2018.
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Jazzespresso is a magazine, a website, a network, a hub, connecting all the souls of jazz all over the world. Americas, Europe, Asia, Australia and Africa: news from all over the world on a page in four languages. A multicultural reference point in English, Chinese and Spanish language for the lovers of this music in every country. For the amateur or the pro who wants to be updated about what is happening all around the world… Stay tuned.
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Jazzespresso is a magazine, a website, a network, a hub, connecting all the souls of jazz all over the world. Americas, Europe, Asia, Australia and Africa: news from all over the world on a page in four languages. A multicultural reference point in English, Chinese and Spanish language for the lovers of this music in every country. For the amateur or the pro who wants to be updated about what is happening all around the world… Stay tuned.
Jazzespresso 不只是一個爵士樂雜誌,也是一個能將擁有各種不同精髓的世界爵士樂,包括美洲、歐洲、亞洲、澳洲及非洲各地,互相連結起來的網站及交流站。以中文及英文寫成的內容將是一個新的多元文化交流的參考點,為各地的爵士音樂愛好者提供來自全世界最新的消息。請持續關注!
JazzEspresso 不只是一个爵士乐杂誌,也是一个能将拥有各种不同精髓的世界爵士乐,包括美洲、欧洲、亚洲、澳洲及非洲各地,互相连结起来的网站及交流站。以中文及英文写成的内容将是一个新的多元文化交流的参考点,为各地的爵士音乐爱好者提供来自全世界最新的消息。请持续关注!
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