The History of European Jazz

December 25, 2017

The Music, Musicians and Audience in Context
Edited by Francesco Martinelli
Equinox Publishing Limited, 2017 – 600 pages – 80 illustrations

Edited by Francesco Martinelli, journalist, teacher and music historian, The History of European Jazz – The Music, Musicians and Audience in Context is a history of the 20th century European Jazz, which helps to chronologically and geographically place, nation by nation, the development of jazz music, in each country’s cultural background, by drawing from sources which have not been translated before into English and which are available in the Darmstadt Jazz, Siena Jazz, Dutch Jazz, Danish Jazz Archives.

The text, which has been already published in 2017, will be soon available as eBook also; the 600-page book is divided in 33 chapters dedicated to the single nations, and 6 more chapters taking a deeper look at the supranational traditions, such as Gipsy or Jewish Music, festivals, mass media role. Each topic comes with a complete bibliography and listening suggestions.
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Francesco Martinelli, The History of European Jazz – The Music, Musicians and Audience in Context, Equinox Publishing Limited – Jazzespresso copyright 2017.

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