Magda Giannikou
Audience has to dream

Image Credits: Magda Giannikou © Stefano Galli

November 20, 2017
The singer, musician, bandleader and songwriter Magda Giannikou with her Banda Magda is carrying around the world Tigre music, a mix of Latin American and European rhythms and colors.
> Ivano Rossato

What inspired Tigre, the new album of Banda Magda?

It was a series of events. One was that the past three years have been a little difficult for the band and as a band leader I had to keep on doing it, by overcoming the challenges that this kind of adventure has. The other inspiration was Greece’s economic crisis, and all my community back there. So basically the album came as an expression “ok, all these overwhelming things are happening, so how do I push it through and how do I overcome this?”. And that’s why the colour of Tigre is so intense and the music is cataclysmic. It is supposed to be bold, powerful and positive.

What about the musician as an entertainer and music teacher?
Björk in an interview said “my work is to be emotional” and I like that. I love the fact that music is also entertainment, and I seek to do that whether it is an album or a show, where the entertainment factor is even more prevalent. But it is a careful balance. We can also be almost a vessel where community can find ground where they can be expressive. I also feel that as musicians, we have some responsibilities in education and in being a part of the community in a broader sense. Something I like to teach my students is that, whatever you do in music, you have do it as if you were a drummer. And whatever you do in music, sing it! It’s not only about melody, it’s about personality, because you internalised  so many things when you sing them.
You sing in many different languages and look very comfortable at doing this; how do you choose the right language for a song?
I study the pronunciation a lot, again and again. I love languages. Sometimes I want to have something more nuanced and more subtle and I like French language for that,  or sometimes I look for something more open and I use Greek language because it has all these open vowels. I also feel that language is almost like a drum set, and every letter is a different cimbal or drum.
In these days it seems that YouTube makes music even more visual than in the ‘80 with MTV; what’s your opinion about that?
For Tigre we realized a video for every single song. I’m happy that I did that but, at the same time, there are some songs where I feel that the video doesn’t really allow the listener to dream. Today it’s all about “the video” and perhaps it’s gonna saturate. One of the reasons I like vinyl is because it’s very “social”, it’s a warm gesture, and you don’t see vinyl, you only listen to it. So, video is important but we don’t have to saturate because audience has to dream.
Where is your music going now?
I think the next album’s gonna be a smaller project, I’ve already written some of the music and it’s gonna be instrumental music, a tribute to Earth, a hopeful album. Maybe it’s gonna be only digital or only a limited number of printed eco-friendly packages. Very minimalistic, a quintet, strings, more impressionistic than before. Tigre doesn’t have any space, it’s like a punch! And it was designed to be full like that. But now I want to have space.
Magda Giannikou interview jazzespresso jazz espresso rossato 

Reservados todos los derechos – All rights reserved – 版權所有 – 版权所有;  Magda Giannikou Audience has to dream copyright Jazzespresso 2017.
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