The Pianist Randy Weston passed away aged 92

September 10, 2018

The musician has died on September 1 in Brooklyn, New York

The great pianist Randy Weston, awarded with the Doris Duke Impact Award, a United States Artist Fellow, passed away on September 1st in Brooklyn, New York, aged 92.
The musician was still active on the musical scene and has published his last albums, The African Nubian Suite in 2016 and Sounds in 2017.
During his long career started in 1954 with the participation in the record Cole Porter In A Modern Mood, published by Riverside, Randy Weston has always been a liaison among the jazz and blues of his native city, New York, and the African music of his origins. The African continent has after all always been at the center of his music and of his life as well, with the many travels and concerts the musician has done there.
The pianist was awarded, moreover, with several recognitions and honours by some of the most important institutions in jazz music, such as the Colby College and the New England’s Conservatory of Music.
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Randy Weston died Jazzespresso Jazz Magazine copyright 2018

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