July 21, 2020
An album dedicated to Cole Porter recorded with unusual vocals and double bass formation.
“You, Me & Cole” is the album that Noa Levy on vocals and Shimpei Ogawa on double bass have dedicated to the Cole Porter songbook.
Among the greatest composers of the so-called “Great American Songbook”, Porter wrote evergreens that are still played by jazz musicians all over the world. Famous songs such as “I Get A Kick Out Of You”, “Just One Of Those Things” and “What Is This Thing Called Love “.
The formation in duo voice and doublebass is particularly fascinating, and the apparent timbre limitation is supported by very well thought out arrangements that express well the talent of Levy and Ogawa, reviving the Porterian classics to new life. A truly original album overall.
Noa Levy & Shimpei Ogawa You, Me & Cole Belle Records, 2020 © Jazzespresso 2020
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